Since carefully and thoughtfully making the decision to offer CBD based products through our office, we have continued to review available products to ensure we are offering our patients and others what we feel to be the best and most cost-effective product available. As you may be aware, there are hundreds of products currently marketed across the country with varying levels of quality and consistency. In addition, these products exist at several price points and even the “cheap’’ products are not inexpensive. Although we have seen a number of products that appear to have superior quality, consistency, production and testing standards, we have decided to start offering ReViveMD CBD products for the following reasons:
The manufacturing process from cultivation, harvesting, processing, and packaging all occurs within the United States and follow US farming and manufacturing laws. Their products are tested for quality, consistency, and safety by a third-party company.
Greater pricing flexibility allowing us to lower the cost to patients!
Some other companies impose a minimum cost which resellers are required to charge. Since ReviveMD does not have such a policy, we have been able to reduce the price of these products by 60% to 70% on a cost per mg basis with a product that still offers excellent absorption (some inexpensive products market themselves by promoting extremely high “strength” or “potency”, yet because of the manufacturing processes they use, sometimes the absorption of their products is as low as 10-15% as opposed to higher quality products with absorption that is 85% or higher).
A more reasonably focused product line.
Revive MD offers CBD oil in 2 strengths and 3 flavors as well as a topical cream. Other companies offer nearly 30 different product lines which can be confusing to consumers and healthcare professionals in terms of whether or not there are specific benefits between one product line and the next. This is a new area of science, the data is still being evaluated, and we are all early in the learning curve of our understanding of where these products may be best and most reliably used. Based on that, we believe that a more conservative approach in the use and recommendation of these products is the most appropriate way to think about the potential use of these products as part of the overall treatment plan at this point.
They are not a multi-level marketing company!
ReviveMD CBD products are offered only through healthcare professionals. There are no “pyramids”, there is no financial incentive for clinicians to enroll other clinicians into the company. ReviveMD does not have to incur the costs associated with broader-scale marketing, meetings, rewards for resellers such as trips, vehicles, etc. There is a potential conflict of interest any time your healthcare provider is selling a product through their office. (It is one of the reasons that we spent almost a year discussing this as a practice before eventually deciding to do so.) We do make a profit by selling these products and we want to be transparent about that. We chose to offer these products because we believe this can be an effective therapy for some symptoms in some patients. We chose to make a change to this product because we believe it is among the highest quality products available and the absence of a contractual minimum sales price allows us to make the decision to make a smaller profit margin and to make this available to patients and others at a lower cost.