CBD Order Confirmation

CBD Order Confirmation

Order Received

Thank you for submitting your online payment.  You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office at 317.843.9922.

We’d appreciate your feedback.

Thank you for choosing Indiana Health Group for your behavioral health needs.  We hope that your experience with our office has been pleasant.  As a part of our ongoing effort to provide better services, we would like to request your feedback via a short online survey.

In order to take the survey, please click here: IHG Patient Satisfaction Survey

If your email program doesn’t recognize the survey link, please copy and paste the following address into your web browser:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2NY6L8Z

If you have recently taken our survey, please do not feel obligated to take it again, however, if there is something you’d like for us to know about, we welcome and appreciate your feedback.  We strive to treat our patients as we would like to be treated; with respect, courtesy and compassion.  We are grateful for your participation.  We are listening and committed to making your experience at Indiana Health Group the best that it can be.


The Staff of Indiana Health Group